District Attorney General Lisa Zavogiannis officially announces the launch
of her campaign seeking re-election to the Office of District Attorney General for the Thirty-First Judicial District of the State of Tennessee. The Thirty-First District covers Warren and Van Buren Counties. She was first elected in 2006 and was re-elected in 2014.
As she enters her 16th year as the district?s head prosecutor, Zavogiannis’ focus remains what it was when she started which is obtaining justice for victims of crime and in protecting our citizens, especially the more vulnerable children and elderly.
Zavogiannis was instrumental in securing a permanent facility for the Children?s Advocacy Center for the 31stJudicial District, served on its board of directors for 14 years, with 10 of those as president of the board of the CAC. She was also instrumental in the CAC receiving national accreditation and expanded services.
Zavogiannis received her Bachelor of Science in business administration from Tennessee Technological University and her Juris Doctorate from the Nashville School of Law. She attends First Baptist Church of McMinnville and is a member of the Rotary Club of McMinnville andthe Morrison Ruritan. She and her husband, Jimmy, have three children and two grandchildren.